Javier Bleichmar and Joseph Fonti Named "Titans of the Plaintiffs Bar"
Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP is pleased to announce that Law360 has named BFA partners Javier Bleichmar & Joseph Fonti as “Titans of the Plaintiffs Bar” for 2023. Only 12 plaintiffs’ attorneys nationwide received the prestigious honor this year. The article announcing the award described Joe and Javier’s successful resolution of the Teva securities litigation for $420 million, and praised this year’s winners as attorneys that “exemplify the challenging work of protecting the rights of consumers, no matter who is on the other side of the aisle.” This well-deserved honor is the result of Javier and Joe’s years of outstanding work and dedication to their clients.
A link to the firm's press release and Law360 articles can be found on the right.
A link to the firm's press release and Law360 articles can be found on the right.